
We’ve carved 3500 m³ of concrete from old grain silos so you can stay in round or semi-round hotel rooms. That’s right! Right on the Weser River in Bremen, you can sleep where rice and corn were once stored for you-know-what breakfast flakes. Take a look around and book your Stuuv now!

We look forward to seeing you!

Your John & Will Team


You shouldn’t stop a traveller, but we do need to look after Mother Earth. That’s why our mantra is: we must travel sustainably around the planet so that we can stay on the planet.

Using organic materials is important, which is why up to 90% of the things we have here are organic. Take our furniture, for example – it’s all made from recycled leather or wood. Partner companies with an eco-label? Check. Biodegradable cleaning agents? Check. And where we can, we save the trees and do it digitally.

We can’t forget to mention our sustainable energy supply: we use water from the River Weser for our heating and cooling system (your rooms all have special wall panels to regulate the temperature) and green electricity to light the house up. And as we have a ‘waste not, want not’ attitude, nothing will go to waste – not even ice. Check out our extra-ecological ice rink located right outside our door in winter (fun fact: our energy nerds call it an “Oberflächenkaltwasserspeicher”).

What else? Well, TVs are definitely old-school. That’s why, to save further resources, we decided to take a more modern approach and why you can enjoy super-fast Wi-Fi to stream your favourite series. And because minibars need a constant energy supply, even when the room isn’t occupied, there aren’t any. Instead, we’ll kit you out with a water bottle that you can re-fill (for free) again and again at our Barception.


Bar or reception … have a beer or book a table for dinner … why be forced to choose? You can always come to our Barception in the lobby. You can check in. Borrow a bright-red John & Will bike for your ride around Bremen. Meet with old pals or make new ones. Enjoy a sundowner or nightcap in the evening, or we’ll make sure you get your espresso the next morning. No matter what, we’re here for you 24/7 at the Barception.


If your workout involves climbing all 11 flights of stairs, we won’t stop you. However, we would recommend trying out our gym. We have dumbbells, a climbing wall, and a boxing bag made from leather and wood, as well as other equipment such as a treadmill and a rowing machine that operate without electricity and rely solely on your body strength. Impressive, right?

From grain silo to hotel

Now, there was once this huge grain silo right on the Weser. With its huge Kellogg’s letters on the roof, an iconic building for Bremen and a striking sight from far and wide. One thing was clear: it should stay. But what to do with it? A climbing park? A training pool for offshore divers? Then came Martin Josst from Delugan Meissl Associated Architects around the corner with the idea of building a hotel inside. Crazy? Maybe. Similar projects had previously always failed due to costs or structural difficulties. But with the top-notch teamwork of amazing architects and highly skilled structural engineers, we were able to bring to life a plan that surpassed even our wildest dreams. Welcome to John & Will!

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